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1. ALDRIDGE, JOHN W. (ed,).《關於現代小說的批評和論文:1920—1951》 Critiques and Essays on Modern Fiction:1920—1951.Representing the Achievement of Modern American and British Critics. New York, 1952.

2. ALLEN, WALTER《英語小說》The English Novel: A Short Critical History. London, 1954. New York, 1955.

3.——.《閱讀小說》Reading a Novel. London and New York, 1949.

4. ALLOTT, MIRIAM《小說家論小說》Novelists on the Novel.New York, 1959.

5. ALTICK, RICHARD D.《英語普通讀者》The English Common Reader: A Social History of the Mass Reading Public, 1800—1900.Chicago, 1957.

6.ANDERSON, SHERWOOD《捨伍德·安德森筆記》Sherwood Anderson's Notebook. New York, 1926.

7. AUERBACH, ERICH.《模仿》Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature. Translated by WILLARD TRASK.Princeton, 1953. Anchor ed., Garden City, N.Y., 1957.Orig. Berne, 1946.

8. BAKER, ERNEST.《英語小說史》The History of the English Novel. 9 vols. London, 1924—1938.

9. BEACH, JOSEPH WARREN:《美國小說, 1920—1940》American Fiction:1920-1940. New York, 1941, 1948.

10.——.《喬治·梅瑞狄斯的喜劇精神》The Comic Spirit in George MeredithAn Interpretation. New York, 1911.

11.——.《亨利·詹姆斯的方法》The Method of Henry James.New Haven, 1918. Enlarged. ed, Philadelphia, 1954.

12.——《20世紀小說》The Twentieth-Century Novel: Studies in Technique. New York, 1932.

13. BLACKMUR, R. P.《雄獅與蜂巢》The Lion and the Honey-combEssays in Solicitude and Critique. New York, 1955. London, 1956.

14. BOOTH,BRADFORD A.《小說》 "The Novel," in Contemporary Literary Scholarship.ed .LEWIS LEARY New York, 1958.

15. BOWEN, ELIZABETH.《印象集》Collected Impressions. London, 1950.

16. BRICKELL, HERSCHEL (ed:)《作家論寫作》Writers on Writing.New York, 1949.

17. BROOKS, CLEANTH, and WARREN, ROBERT PENN《理解小說》Understanding Fiction. New York, 1943.

18. BROWN, ROLLO WALTER (ed.).《實踐作家論作家的藝術》The Writer's Art by Those Who Have Practiced It. Cambridge, Mass., 1921

19.COMFORT, ALEX《小說與我們的時代》The Novel and Our Time. London, 1948.

20. COOK, ALBERT.《小說的意義》The Meaning of Fiction.Detroit, 1960.

21. CRANE, RONALD S. (ed.).《批評家與批評》Critics and CriticismAncient and Modern. Chicago, 1952.

22.——.《批評的語言與詩的結構》The Languages of Criticism and the Structure of Poetry. Toronto, 1953.

23.DAICHES, DAVID.《現代小說家的問題》 "Problems for Modern Novelists," in Accent Anthology. New York, 1946.

24.——.《小說與現代世界》The Novel and the Modern World.Chicago, 1939. Rev. ed., 1960.

25. DUIIAMEL, GEORGES.《小說評論》Essai sur le roman. Paris, 1925.

26.——《虛構回憶錄評論》 "Remarques Sur les memoires imaginaires," Mercure de France, Vol. XXVI (1934).

27. EDEL. LEON.《心理小說》The Psychological Novel, 1900—1950. London and Philadelphia, 1955.

28. EDEI, LEON, and RAY, CORDON.《亨利·詹姆斯與赫·喬·威爾遜》Henry James and H. G. WellsA Record of Their Friendship,Their Debate on the Art of Fiction, and Their Quarrel. Urbana, 1958.

29. EDGAR, PELHAM.《小說的藝術:1700年至今》The Art of the Novel: From 1700 to the Present Time. New York, 1933.

30. FORSTER, E. M.《小說面面觀》Aspects of the Novel. London, 1927.

31. FRANK, JOSEPH.《現代小說的空間形式》 "Spatial Form in Modern Literature, "Sewanee Review, LIII (Spring, Summer, and Autumn, 1945), partly reprinted as "Spatial Form in the Modern Novel」in No. 1.

32. FRIEDMAN, NORMAN.《佈局的形式》 "Forms of the Plot, " Journal of General Education, VIII (July, 1955), 241—253.

33. FRYE, NORTHROP《批評的剖析》The Anatomy of Criticism.Princeton, 1957.

34. GALLISHAW, JOHN.《小說作家的高深問題》Advanced Problems of the Fiction Writer. New York and London, 1931.

35. GOODMAN, PAUL.《文學的結構》The Structure of Literature.Chicago, 1954. Deserves much more attention than it has received.

36. GRANT, DOUGLAS.《小說及其批評術語》 "The Novel and Its Critical Terms, "Essays in Criticism, I(October, 1951), 421—429.

37. HAMILTON, CLAYTON.《小說的題材與方法》Materials and Methods of Fiction. Norwood, Mass., and London, 1909.

38. HARDY, BARBARA.《喬治·艾略特的小說》The Novels of George Eliot. London, 1959.

39. HICKS. GRANVILLE(ed.).《當代小說》The Living Novel.New York, 1957.

40. JAMES, HENRY《小說的藝術及其他》The Art of Fiction and Other Essays, ed. MORRIS ROBERTS.New York, 1948. See Nos. 1, 43,50, and 324-338.

41. JOHNSON.R.BRIMLEY(ed.).《小說家論小說》Novelists on NovelsFrom the Duchess of Newcastle to George Eliot. London: 1928.

42. KENNEDY, MARGARET.《詩壇的罪人》The Outlaws on Parnassus. London, 1958.

43. LEAVIS. F. R.《偉大傳統》The Great Tradition. London,1948.

44. LEAVIS. Q. D.《小說與閱讀大眾》Fiction and the Reading Public. London, 1932.

45. LEGGETT, H. W.《小說中的觀念》The Idea in Fiction.London,1934.

46. LERNER, LAURENCE D.《最真的詩》The Truest Poetry.London, 1959.

47. LEVIN, HARRY.《小說》 "The Novel," in Dictionary of World Literature, ed. JOSEPH SHIPLEY. New York, 1943.

48. LEWIS, R. W. B.《邪惡的聖者》The Picaresque Saint:Representative Figures in Contemporary Fiction. New York, 1959.

49. LIDDELL, ROBERT.《小說論》A Treatise on the Novel.London, 1947.

50. LUBBOCK, PERCY.《小說的技巧》The Craft of Fiction. London,1921.

51.LUKACS, GYORGY《歐洲現實主義研究》Studies in European RealismA Sociological Survey of the Writings of Balzac, Stendhal, Zola, Tolstoy, Gorki, and Others. Translated by EDITH BONE.London,1950.

52.MCCARTHY, MARY.《小說中的事實》 "The Fact in Fiction, "Partisan Review, XXVII(Summer, 1960), 438—458.

53.MCKEON, RICHARD.《藝術和批評的哲學基礎》 "The Philosophic Bases of Art and Criticism," in No. 21.First published, Modern Philology, XLI—XLII (November, 1943, and February,1944).

54.MCKILLOIS, ALAN DUGALD.《英語小說的早期大師》The Early Masters of English Fiction. Lawrence (Kan.), 1956.

55.MANSFIELD, KATHERINE.《凱瑟琳·曼斯菲爾德的旅程》The Journal of Katherine Mansfield, ed. J.MIDDLETON MURRY.New York and London, 1927. "Definitive Edition," 1954.

56.——.《小說與小說家》Novels and Novelists, ed. J. MIDDLETON MURRY.London, 1930.

57. MENDILOW, A. A.《時代與小說》Time and the Novel.London and New York, 1952.

58.M'UDRICK, MARVIN.《小說中的人物和事件》 "Character and Event in Fiction," Yale Review, L(Winter, 1961), 202—218.

59. MU I R .EDWIN.《小說的結構》The Structure of the Novel.London, 1928. New York, 1929.

60. MULLER, H. J.《現代小說》Modern Fiction: .A Study of Values. New York, 1937.

61. O'CONNOR, WILLIAM VAN (ed.).《現代小說的形式》Forms of Modern Fiction: Essays Collected in Honor of Joseph Warren Beach.Minneapolis, 1948.

62. PERKINS, MAXWELL, E.《編輯致作者》Editor to AuthorThe Letters of Maxwell E. Perkins, ed. JOHN HALL WHEELOCK. New York and London, 1950.

63. PEYRE, HENRI《作家及其批評家》Writers and Their Critics:A Study of Misunderstanding. Ithaca, N. Y., 1944.

64. RADER, MELVIN (ed.).《現代美學論著》A Modern Book of Aesthetics. Rev. ed., New York, 1952.

65.RAHV, PHILIP.《小說與小說批評》 "Fiction and the Criticism of Fiction," Kenyon Review, XVIII (Spring, 1956), 276—299.

66. RANSOM, JOHN CROWE.《理解小說》 "The Understanding of Fiction," Kenyon Review, XII(Spring, 1950), 189—218.

67. RATHBURN, ROBERT C., and STEINMANN, MARTIN, JR. (eds.).《從簡·奧斯丁到約瑟夫·康拉德》From Jane Austen to Joseph Conrad.Minneapolis, 1958.

68. RICKWORD, C. H.《小說摘記》 "A Note on Fiction, " in No. 61, pp. 294—305.

69.SIMON, IRENE.《從狄更斯到喬伊斯的英國小說的形式》Formes du roman anglais de Dickens a Joyce.( "Bibliotheque de la Faculte de Philosophie et Lettres de I'Universite de Liege, "Fascicule CXVIII), 1949.

70. SNOW. C. P.《科學、政治與小說家》 "Science, Politics, and the Novelist," Kenyon Review, XXIII (Winter, 1961), 1—17.

71. STANG, RICHARD.《英國小說理論, 1850年—1870年》The Theory of the Novel in England, 1850—1870. New York, 1959.

72. TILLYARD, E. M. W.《英語小說中的史詩》The Epic Strain in the English Novel. London, 1958.

73. WARREN, AUSTIN, and WELLEK, RENL《文學理論》Theory of Literature. New York, 1949.

74. WATT, IAN.《小說的興起》The Rise of the Novel: Studies in Defoe, Richardson and Fielding. Berkeley, 1957.

75. WEST, RAY B., JR., and STALLMAN, R. W.《現代小說的藝術》The Art of Modern Fiction. New York, 1949.

76.WHARTON, EDITH. 《小說寫作》The Writing of Fiction.New York and London, 1925.

77. WINTERS, YVOR.《現代文學批評家的問題》 "Problems for the Modern Critic of Literature, "Hudson Review, IX (Autumn, 1956),325—386.

78.《作家漫談》Writers at Work: The Paris Review Interview. London, 1958.

79.ZABEL, M. D.《技巧與人物》Craft and Character: Texts, Methods, and Vocation in Modern Fiction. New York, 1957.

80. ZOLA, EMILE.《實驗小說及其他》The Experimental Novel,and Other Essays. Translated by BELLE M. SHERMAN. New York, 1893.

81. AMES, VAN METER.《小說美學》Aesthetics of the Novel.Chicago, 1928, pp. 177—193.

82. ANON.《奧利農場》 "Orley Farm, "National Review, XVI(January,1863), 27—40. Cited in Stang, No. 71, pp. 95—96.

83. ANON.《女作家約翰·哈利法克斯的小說》 "Novels by the Authoress of John Halifax, "North British Review, XXIX (November,1858), 466—480. In No. 71, p. 95.

84.ANON.《兩部新小說》 "Two New Novels, "Spectator, XXXV(Dec. 27, 1862), 1447—1448. In No. 71, p. 96.

85. ARISTOTLE.《詩學》Poetics. Chaps. xiv, xviii, and xxiv.

86.ARNOLD, MATTHEW.《〈詩篇〉序言》" Preface" to Poems(1st ed., 1853).

87. BENNETT, JOAN.《喬治·艾略特》George Eliot: Her Mind and Her Art. London, 1948. Esp. p. 106.

88. BENTLEY, PHYLLIS《對敘述藝術的某些考察》Some Observations on the Art of Narrative. London, 1946.

89.BLACKMUR, R. P.《亨利·詹姆斯的放任鬆散的巨獸》 "The Loose and Baggy Monsters of Henry James, " in No. 13.

90. BOOTH, BRADFORD.《安東尼·特羅洛普》Anthony Trollope:Aspects of His Life and Art. Bloomington, 1958. Esp. p. 178.

91.——.《小說的形式與技巧》 "Form and Technique in the Novel," in The Reinterpretation of Victorian Literature, ed. JOSEPH E. BAKER. Princeton, 1950. Esp. pp. 79, 95.

92. BOWEIV, ELIZABETH.《印象集》Collected Impressions. London,1950. Esp. " Notes on Writing a Novel," pp. 249—263.

93. BROOKE-ROSE, CHRISTINE.《消失的作者》 "The Vanishing Author, "Observer (Feb. 12, 1961), p. 26.

94. BROWN, E. K.《兩種小說章程:詹姆斯和威爾斯》 "Two Formulas for FictionHenry James and H. G. Wells, "College English, VIII(1946), 7—17.

95. [BULWER—LYTTON, EDWARD GEORGE].《卡克斯頓風格》 "Caxtoniana. "Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, XCIII (May, 1863),558. Cited in No. 71, p. 123.

96. [CHAPMAN, R. W.].《簡·奧斯丁的方法》 "Jane Austen's Methods, " TLS(Feb. 9, 1922); pp. 81—82.

97. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR.《關於莎士比亞的評論和演講》Essays and Lectures on Shakspeare. London (Everyman ed.), [1907].

98. COOPER, WILLIAM.《小說技巧》 "The Technique of the Novel, " in The Author and His Public:Problems in Communication,ed. C. V. WEDGWOOD London, 1957.

99. DEL Rio, ANGEL:《烏納穆諾的三篇小說代表作導言》Introduction to Three Exemplary Novels by Unamuno. New York, 1956.

100. DEVOTO, BERNARD.《無形的小說家》 "The Invisible Novelist, "Pacific Spectator, IV (Winter, 1950), 30—45.

101.——.《小說的世界》The World of Fiction. New York, 1950.

102. DICKENS, CHARLES.《查爾斯·狄更斯書信集》The Letters of Charles Dickens, ed. WALTER DEXTER. 3 vols. London, 1938.

103. DIFFENE, PATRICIA I.《亨利·詹姆斯》Henry JamesVersuch einer Wurdigung seiner Eigenart. [Bochum, Germany], 1939.

104. DREW, ELIZABETH.《現代小說》The Modern Novel: Some Aspects of Contemporary Fiction. New York, 1926. Esp. pp. 243—262.

105. DRYDEN, JOHN.《劇體詩論》An Essay of Dramatic Poesy, London, 1668.

106.——.《致尊敬的羅伯特·霍華德先生》 "A Letter to the Honorable Sir Robert Howard, " prefacing Annus Mirabilis (1666).

107. EDEL, LEON.《亨利·詹姆斯小說選篇導言》 "Introduction, "Henry JamesSelected Fiction. New York, 1953.

108. EMPSON, WILLIAM,《〈湯姆·瓊斯〉論》 "Tom Jones," Kenyon Review, XX (Spring, 1958), 217—249. See No. 144, below.

109. FORD, FORD MADOX.《英語小說》The English NovelFrom the Earliest Days to the Death of Joseph Conrad. London, 1930.

110.——.《約瑟夫·康拉德》Joseph Conrad: A Personal Re—membrance. London and Boston, 1924.

111.——.《技巧》 "Techniques, "Southern Review, I (July,1935), 20—35.

112. FRIEDEMANN, KATE.《小說中敘述者的作用》Die Rolle des Erzahlers in der Epik. Leipzig, 1910.

113.FRIEDMAN, NORMAN.《小說中的視點》 "Point of View in FictionThe Development of a Critical Concept, "PMLA, LXX(December, 1955), 1160—1184.

114. GARDINER, HAROLD C.《小說的思想規範》Norms for the Novel. New York, 1953.

115. GEROULD,GORDON HALL.《怎樣閱讀小說》How To Read Fiction. Princeton, 1937.

116.GIBSON, WILLIAM M., and EDEL, LEON.《豪威爾斯和詹姆斯》Howells and James, a Double Billing. New York, 1958.

117. GORDON, CAROLINE.《怎樣閱讀小說》How To Read a Novel. New York, 1957.

118. GORDON, CAROLINE, and TATE, ALLEN.《小說的世界》The House of Fiction. New York, 1950.

119. GRABO, CARL H.《小說的技巧》The Technique of the Novel. New York, 1928.

120. GREEN. HENRY.《訪問記》" Interview" in Paris Review,XIX(Summer, 1958), 60—77.

121. GUETTI, JAMES L., JR.《約瑟夫·康拉德的修辭》The Rhetoric of Joseph Conrad. ( "Amherst College Honors Thesis," No. 2.) Amherst,1960.

122.HALLIDAY, E. M.《〈傲慢與偏見〉敘述的透視方法》 "Narrative Perspective in Pride and Prejudice, "Nineteenth-Century Fiction, XV(June, 1960), 65-71.

123. HARRIS. MARK.《來之不易》 "Easy Does It Not," in No.39.

124. HARVEY, W. J.《喬治·艾略特和全知作者的慣例》 "George Eliot and the Omniscient Author Convention, "Nineteenth-Century Fiction, XIII (September, 1958), 81—108.

125. HOGARTH, BASIL.《小說寫作技巧》The Technique of Novel WritingA Practical Guide for New Authors. London, 1934.

126. JARRETT—KERR, MARTIN.《弗朗索瓦·莫裡亞克》Francois Mauriac. Cambridge, 1954.

127. KNIGHT, KOBOLD.《小說寫作指南》A Guide to Fiction Writing. London, 1936.

128.[LEwEs, G.H.].《簡·奧斯丁的小說》 "The Novels of Jane Austen, " Black wood's Edinburgh Magazine, LXXXVI (July, 1859), 101—105.

129. LIDDELL, ROBERT.《小說的某些原則》Some Principles of Fiction. London, 1953. See esp. " Summary," pp. 53—69.

130. MAC CARTHY, DESMOND.《批評》Criticism. London and NewYork, 1932.Esp. pp. 230—234.

131 MANDEL, OSCAR.《〈堂·吉訶德〉中思想規範的功能》 "The Function of the Norm in Don Quixote, " Modern Philology, LV (February, 1958), 154—263.

132. MATLAW, RALPH E.《〈卡拉馬佐夫兄弟〉的技巧》The Brothers KaramazovNovelistic Technique. The Hague, 1957.

133. MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET.《〈湯姆·瓊斯傳〉導言》Introduction to The History of Tom Jones. Toronto, 1948.

134. MEREDITH, GEORGE.《純文學》 "Belles Lettres, "Westminster Review, LXVII (April, 1857), 615—616.

135. MONTAGUE, C. E.《作家工作摘記》A Writer's Notes on His Trade. London, 1930.

136. MORRISSETTE, BRUCE.《小說中的新結構》 "New Structure in the NovelJealousy, by Alan Robbe—Grillet, "Evergreen Review, No.10(November—December, 1959), pp. 103—107, 164—190.

137. MYERS, WALTER L.《晚期現實主義》The Later RealismA Study of Characterization in the British Novel. Chicago, 1927.

138. OLIVER, HAROLD J.《愛·摩·福斯特》 "E. M. ForsterThe Early Novels, "Critique, I (Summer, 1957), 15—32.

139. ORTEGA Y GASSET, JOSE.《藝術的非人化》The Dehumanization of Art. Translated by WILLARD TRASK. Princeton, 1948.Anchored.; Garden City, N. Y., 1956.

140. PARKS, EDD WINFIELD.《特羅洛普和闡述的辯護》 " Trollope and the Defense of Exegesis, "Nineteenth—Century Fiction, VII (March,1953), 265—271.

141.——.《簡·奧斯丁小說中的闡述》 "Exegesis in Austen's Novels, "South Atlantic Quarterly, LI (January, 1952), 102—119.

142. PETER, JOHN.《喬伊斯與小說》 "Joyce and the Novel, "Kenyon Review, XVIII (Autumn, 1956), 619—632.

143. PLATO.《理想國》The Republic Book iii. secs. 392D—394C.144. RAWSON, C. J.《燕卜遜教授的〈湯姆·瓊斯〉》 "Professor Empson's Tom Jones, "Notes and Queries, N. S. VI (November, 1959),400—404.

145. ROVIT, EARL H.《含混的現代小說》 "The Ambiguous Modern Novel, "Yale Review (Spring, 1960), pp. 413—424.

146. SAINTSBURY, GEORGE.《技巧》 "Technique, "Dial, LXXX(April, 1926), 273—278.

147. SARTRE, JEAN PAUL.《文學與哲學論文》Literary and Philosophical Essays. [Extracts from " Situations I and III." ] Translated by ANNETTE MICHELSON. London, 1955. Esp. "Francois Mauriac and Freedom, " originally published as a review of Mauriac's La fin de la nuit, in Nouvelle Revue Francaise (February, 1939).

148.——.《文學是什麼?》What Is Literature?[An extract from "Situations II.」] Translated by BERNARD FRECHTMAN. London, 1950.

149. SCHORER, MARK.《作為發現的技巧》 "Technique as Discovery," Hudson Review, I (Spring, 1948), 67—87.

150. SCRUTTON. MARY.《小說迷》 "Addiction to Fiction, "The Twentieth Century, CLIX (April, 1956), 363—373.

151. SENIOR, NASSAU.《薩克雷的作品》 "Thackeray's Works, "Edinburgh Review, XCIX (January, 1854), 196一243. Cited in No. 71,p. 96.

152. SHANNON, EDGAR E., JR.《〈愛瑪〉的人物與構造》 "EmmaCharacter and Construction, "PMLA, LXXI (September, 1956), 637—650.

153. SHERWOOD, IRMA Z.《作為評論者的小說家》 "The Novelists as Commentators," in The Age of JohnsonEssays Presented to Chauncey Brewster Tinker, ed. by F. W. HILLES. New Haven, 1949.

154. SOSNOSKY, THEODOR VON.《人們如何寫作小說》 "Wie man Romane schriebt, "Die Gegenwart (Berlin), LIX (June 1, 1901), 345—348.

155. STANZEL, FRANZ.《小說的敘述特徵》Die Typischen Erzahlsituationen im Roman, dargestellt an Tom Jones, Moby—Dick, The Ambassadors, Ulysses, u.a. Vienna, 1955.

156. STEINER, F. G.《〈米德爾馬奇〉序言》 "A Preface to Middlemarch, "Nineteenth-Century Fiction,IX(1955), 262—279.

157. STEINMANN, MARTIN, JR《舊小說和新小說》 "The Old Novel and the New, " in No. 67.

158. STEPHEN, LESLIE.《圖書館裡的時光》Hours in a Library.New York, 1904.

159. STERN, RICHARD G.《普魯斯特和喬伊斯正在工作》 "Proust and Joyce UnderwayJean Santeuil and Stephen Hero, "Kenyon Review, XVIII (Summer, 1956), 486—496.

160. STEVENSON, ROBERT LOUIS.《謙卑的忠告》 "A Humble Remonstrance," in Memories and Portraits. London and New York,1887, pp, 275—299.

161. TATE, ALLEN.《小說中觀察的位置》 "The Post of Observation in Fiction, "Maryland Quarterly,II(1944), 61—64.

162.——.《小說技巧》 "Techniques of Fiction, "Sewanee Review,LII (1944), 210—25. Reprinted in Nos. 1 and 61also in Tate's On the Limits of Poetry. New York, 1948.

163. THACKERAY. WILLIAM MAKEPEACE.《德·費尼布》「De Finibus, "Cornhill, Magazine (August, 1862). Reprinted in No. 18, pp.263—274.

164. TILFORD, JOHN E., JR.《老式介入者詹姆斯》 "James the Old Intruder, "Modern Fiction Studies, IV(Summer, 1958), 157—164.

165. TILLO'I'SON, KATHLEEN.《故事與講述者》The Tale and the Teller. London, 1959.

166. TINDALL, WILLIAM YOLK.《為馬洛辯》 "Apology for Marlow," in No. 67.

167. VAN GHENT, DOROTHY.《英語小說》The English Novel,Form and Function. New York, 1953.

168. WALZEL, OSKAR.《語言藝術作品》Das Wortkunstwerk:Mittelseiner Erforschung. Leipzig, 1926.

169.——.《藝術語言特徵》Ricarda Huch: Ein Wort uberKunst des Erzahlens. Leipzig, 1916. See esp. chap. i: "Bekennertum and kunstlerische Objektivitat. "

170. WELLEK, RENL《亨利·詹姆斯的文學理論和批評》 "Henry James's Literary Theory and Criticism, "American Literature, XXX(November, 1958), 293—321. See also No. 73.

171. WILLIAMS, RAYMOND.《閱讀與批評》 Reading and Criticism.London, 1950.

172. WRIGHT, ANDREW H.《簡·奧斯丁的小說》Jane Austen's NovelsA Study in Structure. New York and London, 1953.

173. ADAMS, HAZARD.《喬伊斯·卡裡的三位代言人》 "Joyce Cary's Three Speakers, "Modern Fiction Studies, V (Summer, 1959),108—120.

174. BECK, WARREN.《概念與技巧》 "Conception and Technique, "College English, XI (March, 1950), 308—317.

175. BLACK, F. G.《英語書信小說技巧》The Technique of Letter Fiction in English: 1740—1800. Cambridge, Mass., 1933.

176.——.《18世紀晚期書信小說》The Epistolary Novel in the Late Eighteenth Century. Eugene,Ore., 1940.

177.BOWLING, LAWRENCE EDWARD.《意識流技巧是什麼》 "What Is the Stream of Consciousness Technique? "PMLA, LXV(June,1950), 333—345.

178. BROWN, E. K.《小說中的節奏》Rhythm in the Novel.Toronto, 1950.

179. DUJARDIN, EDOUARD.《內心獨白》Le monologue interieur.Son apparition. Ses origines. Sa place dans l' oeuvre de James Joyce. Paris, 1931.

180.FORSTREUTER, KURT.《德語第一人稱短篇小說》Die deutsche Icherzahlung: Eine Studie zu ihrer Geschichte and Technik: Berlin, 1924.

181. FRIEDMAN, MELVIN.《意識流》Stream of ConsciousnessA Study in Literary Method. New Haven, 1955.

182. GREEN, HENRY.《訪問記》 "Interview, "Paris Review, No.19 (Summer, 1958), pp. 60—77.

183. HATCHER, ANNA GRANVILLE.《作為現代小說家的手段的目擊》 "Voir as a Modern Novelistic Device, " Philological Quarterly, XXIII(October, 1944), 354—374.

184. HOLLOWAY, JOHN.《維多利亞時代賢人》The Victorian Sage:Studies in Argument. London, 1953.

185. HUMPHREY, ROBERT.《現代小說中的意識流》Stream of Consciousness in the Modern Novel. Berkeley, 1954.

186. KERR, ELIZABETH M.《喬伊斯·卡裡的第二個三部曲》 "Joyce Cary's Second Trilogy, "University of Toronto Quarterly, XXIX(April, 1960), 310—325.

187. LooMIs, C. C., JR.《喬伊斯〈死者〉的結構與同情》 "Structure and Sympathy in Joyce's " The Dead," PMLA, LXXV (March, 1960),149—151.

188. MARTIN, HAROLD C. (ed.).《散文小說中的風格》Style in Prose Fiction ( "English Institute Essays," 1958.) New York, 1959.

189.MATLAW, RALPH E.《〈地屋摘記〉的結構與綜合》 "Structure and Integration in Notes from Underground.」PMLA, LXXIII (March, 1958), 101—109.

190. NEUBERT, ALBRECHT.《新派英語小說中的「間接敘述」風格》Die Stilformen der " erlebten Redeim neueren englischen Roman.Halle, 1957.

191. POUILLON, JEAN《第一人稱規律》 "Les regles du je," Temps Modernes, XII (April, 1957), 1591—1598.

192. ROPER, ALAN H.《〈波因頓的珍藏品〉的道德與隱喻意義》 "The Moral and Metaphorical Meaning of The Spoils of Poynton, "American Literature, XXXII (May, 1960), 182—196.

193.SCHORER, MARK《小說與「相似母題」》 "Fiction and the'Analogical Matrix," in No. 1.

194.SINGER, GODFREY FRANK.《書信小說》The Epistolary Novel: Its Origin, Development, Decline, and Residuary Influence.Philadelphia, 1933.

195.SOSNOSKY, THEODOR VON.《小說中的「我」》 "Der 'Ich' im Roman, " in No. 154, pp. 347—348.

196. STEINMANN, MARTIN, JR.《西·弗·波伊斯的象徵主義》 "The Symbolism of T. F. Powys," Critique, I (Summer, 1957), 49—63.

197.STONE, HARRY.《狄更斯與內心獨白》 "Dickens and Interior Monologue, "Philological Quarterly, XXXVIII (January, 1959), 52—65.

198. STRUVE, GLEB.《內心獨白》 "Monologue interieur: The Origins of the Formula and the First Statement of Its Possibilities, "PMLA, LXIX(December, 1954), 1101—1111.

199. TUVE, ROSEMOND.《伊麗莎白時代的玄學派意象》Elizabethan and Metaphysical ImageryRenaissance Poctic and Twentieth—Century Critics. Chicago, 1947.

200.——.《米爾頓的五首詩篇中的意象與主題》Images and Themes in Five Poems by Milton. Cambridge, Mass., and London,1957.

201.——.《不朽英名》 "A Name To Resound for Ages," Listener(Aug. 28, 1958), pp. 312—313.

202.VICKERY, OLGA W.《〈喧囂與騷動〉透視研究》 "The Sound and the FuryA Study in Perspective, "PMLA, LXIX (December,1954), 1017—1037.

203.WEATHERHEAD, A. KINGSLEY《亨利·格林最後小說中的結構與組織》 "Structure and Texture in Henry Green's Latest Novels, "Accent, XIX (Spring, 1959); 112—122.

204. WENGER, JARED.《巴爾扎克小說中作為技巧的講話》" Speech as Technique in the Novels, of Balzac," PMLA, LV (1940), 241—252.

205. WEST, RAY B., JR.《凱瑟琳·安妮·波特》 "Katherine Anne PorterSymbol and Theme in 'Flowering Judas', " in No. 1.Originally published in Accent, (Spring, 1947).

206. WICKARDT, WOLFGANG.《狄更斯小說中的透視形式》Die Formender Perspektive in Charles Dickens Romanen: ihr sprachlicher Ausdruck und ihre strukturelle Bedeutung. Berlin, 1933.

207.ZELLER, HILDEGARD.《英國小說中的第一人稱敘述》Die Ich Erzahlung im englischen Roman. Breslau, 1933.

208. BECKER, GEORGE J.《現實主義》 "RealismAn Essay in Definition," Modern Language Quarterly, X(June, 1949), 184—197.

209.BORGERHOFF, E. B. O.《「現實主義」與同類術語》 "Realisme and Kindred WordsTheir Use as Terms of Literary Criticism in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century, "PMLA, LIII (September,1938), 837—843.

210.BRISSENDEN, R. F.《塞繆爾·理查遜》Samuel Richardson( "Writers and Their Work, " No. 101). London, 1958.

211. BROD, MAX.《福樓拜與現實主義方法》 "Flaubert and die Methoden des Realismus, "Die Neue Rundschau, LXI(1950), 603—612.

212.BULLOUGH, EDWARD.《作為藝術的一個要素和一項美學原則的「心理距離」》" 'Psychical Distance' as a Factor in Art and an Aesthetic Principle, "British Journal of Psychology, V (1912—1913), 87—118.Reprinted in No. 64.

213. CARY, JOYCE.《藝術與現實》Art and Reality. Cambridge,1958.

214. CONRAD, JOSEPH.《〈水仙號上的黑傢伙〉導言》Preface to The Nigger of the "Narcissus. "Widely reprinted; e. g., in Conrad's Prefaces to His Work, ed. EDWARD GARNETT. London, 1937.

215. COOK, ALBERT.《小說的開端》 "The Beginning of Fiction:Cervantes, "Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, XVII (June, 1959),463—472.

216. CURTIS, JEAN— LOUIS.《高等學校》Haute Ecole. Paris, 1950

217.DAVIS, ROBERT GORHAM.《英語小說中真實的意義》 "The Sense of the Real in English Fiction" , in No. 224.

218. DECKER, CLARENCE R.《維多利亞時代批評中對自然主義的美學反叛》 "The Aesthetic Revolt against Naturalism in Victorian Criticism, "PMLA, LIII (September, 1938), 844—856.

219. FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE. See No. 239 for excellent bibliography of Flaubert's varying attitudes toward realism. A carefully selected bibliography is included in No. 235:No. 7 is helpful on Flaubert's rcalism, especially in chap. xviii. See also James, No. 221, and the " critical introduction" James wrote for the William Heinemann edition of Madame Bovary(1902, 1923, etc.).關於福樓拜, 見第239、235、221條參考文獻。

220. HYDE, WILLIAM J.《喬治·艾略特與現實主義氣候》 "George Eliot and the Climate of Realism, "PMLA, LXXII (March, 1957),147—164.

221.JAMES, HENRY:《法國詩人與小說家》French Poets and Novelists. London, 1884.

222. JOHNSON, SAMUEL《莎士比亞作品序言》 "Preface to Shakespeare. " 1766.

223. KRIEGER, MURRAY.《詩的新辯護者》The New Apologists for Poetry. Minneapolis, 1956.

224. LEVIN, HARRY (ed.).《現實主義討論》 "A Symposium on Realism, "Comparative Literature, Vol. III (Summer, 1951).

225.——.《現實主義是什麼?》 "What Is Realism?" Ibid., pp.193—199.

226. MCKEON, RICHARD.《古代的模仿概念》 "The Concept of Imitation in Antiquity, " in No. 21.

227. O'CONNOR, FRANK.《路上的鏡子》The Mirror in the Roadway. London, 1957.

228.PATTERSON, CHARLES I.《柯勒律治關於小說中的戲劇化幻覺的概念》 "Coleridge's Conception of Dramatic Illusion in the Novel, "ELH, XVIII (June, 1951), 123—137.

229. REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA《演講》 "Discourse XIII" (December, 1786).

230.RICHARDSON, SAMUEL. See No. 210.關於理查森, 參見參考文獻第210條。

231. ROBINSON, E. ARTHUR《梅瑞狄斯的文學理論與科學》" Meredith's Literary Theory and Science: Realism versus the Comic Spirit, "PMLA, LIII (September, 1938), 857—868.

232. SALVAN, ALBERT J.《法國現實主義特質》 "L'Essence du realisme francais, " in No. 224, pp. 218—233.

233.SINCLAIR, MAY.《多蘿西·理查森〈尖屋頂〉導言)Introduction to Pointed Roofs. by Dorothy Richardson. London, 1919.

234.STOLL, ELMER EDGAR.《從莎士比亞到喬伊斯》From Shakespeare to Joyce. Authors and CriticsLiterature and Life. NewYork, 1944.

235.THORLBY, ANTHONY《居斯塔夫·福樓拜與現實主義藝術》Gustave Flaubert and the Art of Realism. London, 1956.

236.WOOLE VIRGINIA《普通讀者》The Common Reader.London, 1925.

237.——.《第二普通讀者》The Second Common Reader.London, 1932.

238. YOUNG, EDWARD.《對原來組織的猜測》Conjectures on Original Composition, In a Letter to the Author of Sir Charles Grandison.London, 1759.

239. BONWIT, MARIANNE.《居斯塔夫·福樓拜與冷漠原則》Gustave Flaubert et le principe d'impassibilite. ( "University of California Publications in Modern Philology," Vol. XXXIII, No. 4, pp. 263—420).Berkeley, 1950.

240. CHEKHOV, ANTON.《關於短篇小說、戲劇和其他文學論題的通信》Letters on the Short Story, the Drama and Other Literary Topics.Selected and edited by Louis S. FRIEDLAND. New York, 1924.

241. COLEY, WILLIAM B.《菲爾丁笑聲的背景》 "The Background of Fielding's Laughter," ELH,XXVI (June, 1959), 229—252.

242.CRUTTWELL, PATRICK.《作者與個人》 "Makers and Persons, "Hudson Review, XII(Winter, 1959—1960), 487—507.

243. ELLMANN, RICHARD《葉芝》Yeats: The Man and the Masks. New York, 1948. London, 1949.

244.——.《詹姆斯·喬伊斯》James Joyce. New York, 1959.

245. EWALD, WILLIAM BRAGG, JR.《約拿旦·斯威夫特的假面》The Masks of Jonathan Swift. Oxford and Cambridge, Mass., 1954.

246. FARBER, MARJORIE.《現代小說中的主觀性》 "Subjectivity in Modern Fiction, "Kenyon Review, VII(Autumn, 1945), 645—652.

247. GIBSON, WALKER.《作者、代言人、讀者, 以及假想讀者》 "Authors, Speakers, Readers, and Mock Readers, "College English, XI(February, 1950), 265—269.

248. KAIINERT, WALTER.《客觀主義》ObjektivismusGedanken iiber einen neuen Literaturstil.Berlin, 1946.

249. KEATS, JOHN《約翰·濟慈的詩作及其他》The Poetical Works and Other Writings of John Keats, ed. H. BUXTON FORMAN.Vol.VII. New York, 1939.

250. KINGSLEY, CHARLES.《金斯利的通信及生平回憶》His Letters and Mcmories of His Life, ed. by his Wife. 4 vols. London,1902. First published, 1877.

251. MAUPASSANT, GUY DE《小說》 "The Novel, " in No. 18, pp.198—201.

252. PACEY, DESMOND.《福樓拜和他的維多利亞時代的批評家》 "Flaubert and His Victorian Critics, " University of Toronto Quarterly,XVI(October, 1946), 74—84.

253. RAY, GORDON N.《被遺忘的生活》The Buried LifeA Study of the Relation Between Thackeray's Fiction and his Personal History.Cambridge, Mass., 1952.

254. SCHLEGEL, A. W. VON.《莎士比亞》 "Shakspeare," from "Lecture XXIII," in Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature(1809—1811). Translated by JOHN BLACK, 1815. Revised by A. J. W.MORRISON,London, 1861.

255.SCHORER, MARK.《〈好兵〉中的好小說家》 "The Good Novelist in 'The Good Soldier', " Horizon, XX (August, 1949), 132—138.

256. STOCK, IRVIN.《〈威廉·邁斯特的學習時代〉考察》 "A View of Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, " PMLA, LXXII (March,1957),84—103.

257. TOYNBEE, PHILIP.《活死人》 "The Living Dead—IIIThoughts on Andre Gide," The London Magazine, III(October, 1956),46—53.

258. WEST, JESSAMYN.《被驅趕的奴隸》 "The Slave Cast Out," in No. 39.

259. ABRAMS, M. H. (ed.).《文學與信念》Literature and Belief.( "English Institute Essays, " 1957), New York, 1958.

260.——.《鏡與燈》 The Mirror and the Lamp. New York,1953.

261. BAKER, JOSEPH E.《小說的美學表面》 "Aesthetic Surface in the Novel, "The Trollopian, II (September, 1947), 91—106.

262. BELLOW, SAUL.《作家與讀者》 "The Writer and the Audi—ence, "Perspectives, IX (Autumn, 1954), 99—102.

263. BURKE, KENNETH.《反駁》Counter—Statement. Los Altos,1953.First published, 1931.Esp. "Psychology and Form" and "Lexicon Rhetoricae."

264.——.《文學形式的哲學》The Philosophy of Literary Form.Rev. ed., New York, 1957. First published, 1941.

265. COLERIDGE, SAMUEL TAYLOR.《希臘戲劇》 "Greek Drama, " in No. 97, pp. 13—19.

266. COLLINGWOOD, R. G.《藝術原理》The Principles of Art.New York, 1958. First published, 1938.

267. CROCE, BENEDETTO.《美學》Aesthetic. Translated by D.AINSLIE. 2d ed., London, 1922.

268. ELIOT, T. S.《哈姆雷特和他的問題》 "Hamlet and His Problems, " Athenaeum, Sept. 26, 1919, pp. 940—941. Reprinted widely.

269. ELLISON, RALPH.《社會、道德, 與小說》 "Society, Morality,and the Novel, " in No. 39.

270. KEENE, DONALD.《日本文學》Japanese Literature. London, 1953. Esp. chap. iii.

271. KENNER, HUGH.《詩的藝術》The Art of Poetry. New York,1959.

272. PATER, WALTER.《文藝復興》The Renaissance. London,1888.

273. POTTLE, FREDERICK A.《詩的風格》The Idiom of Poetry.Ithaca, N. Y., 1941.

274. POUND, EZRA.《使其新穎》Make It New. London, 1934.New Haven, 1936.

275. STYRON, WILLIAM.《訪問記》 "Interview," in No. 78.

276. THIBAUDET, ALBERT.《小說迷》Le liseur de romans. Paris,1925.

277. VALERY, PAUL.《詩的藝術》The Art of Poetry. Translated by DENISE FOLLIOT. New York, 1958. Esp. the chap. entitled " PurePoetry.」

278. VIVAS, ELISEO.《托·斯·艾略特的「客觀對應物」》 "The Objective Correlative of T. S. Eliot, "American Bookman, I (Winter,1944), 7—18. Reprinted in STALLMAN, R. W. (ed.). Critiques and Essays in criticism:1920—1948. New York, 1949.

279. WARREN, ROBERT PENN.《純的和不純的詩》 "Pure and Impure Poetry, "Kenyon Review, V (Summer, 1943), 228—254. Reprinted in STALLMAN, op. cit.

280.WEINBERG, BERNARD.《羅伯泰洛論〈詩學〉》 "Robertello on the Poetics," in No. 21.

281. WIMSATT, W. K.《言辭的偶像》The Verbal Icon. Lexington, Ky., 1954.

282. ANON.《倫理道德品質》 "The Ethic of Quality, "TLS, Jan.6, 1961, p. 8.

283. BART, B: F.《〈包法利夫人〉的審美距離》 "Aesthetic Distance in Madame Bovary, "PMLA, LXIX(December, 1954), 1112—1126.

284. BROOKS, CLEANTH.《反諷作為結構的一項原則》 "Irony as a Principle of Structure, " in ZABEL. MORTON, DAUWEN. Literary Opinion in America. Rev. ed., New York, 1951.

285. BURKE, KENNETH《托馬斯·曼與安德烈·紀德》 "Thomas Mann and Andre Gide, "Bookman, LXXI (June, 1930), 257—264.Reprinted in No. 263.

286. CRANE, RONALD S.《克林思·布魯克斯;或, 批評一元論之破產》 "Cleanth Brooks; or, The Bankruptcy of Critical Monism, "Modern Philology, XLV (May, 1948), 226—245. Reprinted in No. 21.

287. HARBAGE, ALFRED.《如願以償:論莎士比亞與道德》As They Liked ItAn Essay on Shakespeare and Morality. New York, 1947.

288. HOUGH, GRAHAM《想像與體驗:對一場文學革命的看法》Image and ExperienceReflections on a Literary Revolution. London,1960.

289. JANKELEVITCH, VLADIMIR《反諷》L'Ironie. Paris, 1936.

290. JARRELL, RANDALL《詩歌與時代》Poetry and the Age. New York, 1953.

291. KNIGHT, G. WILSON《火輪》The Wheel of Fire. Rev. ed., London, 1949.

292. KNIGHTS, L. C.《亨利·詹姆斯和落入圈套的旁觀者》 "Henry James and the Trapped Spectator, "ExplorationsEssays in Criticism Mainly on the Literature of the Seventeenth Century. London, 1946.

293. LANGBAUM, ROBERT《詩歌的體驗》The Poetry of Experience.London, 1957.

294.SARTON, MAY.《反諷之盾》 "The Shield of Irony. " Nation,April 14, 1956, pp. 314—316.

295. SEDGEWICK, G. G.《關於反諷, 特別是戲劇中的反諷》Of Irony, Especially in Drama. Toronto, 1935.

296: SHARPS, ROBERT BOIES《戲劇中的反諷:論模仿, 震驚和淨化》Irony in the DramaAEssay on Impersonation, Shock, and.Catharsis. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1959.

297. SPENDER STEPHEN.《創造的因素》The Creative Element: A Study of Vision, Despair and Orthodoxy among Some Modern Writers.London, 1953.

298.THOMPSON. ALAN R.《一本正經的模仿:戲劇反諷的研究》The Dry MockA Study of Irony in Drama. Berkeley, 1948.

299.TURPIN, A. R.《簡·奧斯丁:缺陷或過失?》 "Jane AustenLimitations or Defects? "The English Review, LXIV (January, 1937), 53—68.

300.RINGS. DONALD A.《〈我要知道什麼〉的角度與主題》 "Point of View and Theme in 'I Want To Know Why,' "Critique, III (SpringFall, 1959), 24—29.

301.HARDING, D. W.《受到控制的憎惡:簡·奧斯丁小說的一個方面》 "Regulated HatredAn Aspect of the Work of Jane Austen, " Scrutiny, VIII (June, 1939—March, 1940), 346—362.

302.BRICK, ALLAN R.《〈呼嘯山莊〉:敘述者, 讀者和信息》 "Wuthering HeightsNarrators, Audience, and Message, "College English,XXI(November, 1959), 80—86. See also No. 149.

303.HAFLEY, JAMES.《〈呼嘯山莊〉中的反面角色》 "The Villain in Wuthering Heights, "Nineteenth—Century Fiction, XIII (December, 1958), 199—215.

304. BREE, GERMAINE.《加繆》Camus. New Brunswick, N. J., 1959.

305. VIGGIANI, CARL A. 《加繆的〈局外人〉》 "Camus' LEtranger, "PMLA, LXXI(December, 1956), 865—887.

306.AUDEN, W. H.《反諷式主人公:對堂·吉訶德的一些看法》喬叟 "The Ironic Hero: Some Reflections on Don Quixote, "Horizon, XX(August, 1949), 86—93. See also No. 131.

307. BLOOMFIELD, MORTON W.《特羅伊拉斯和克萊西德:距離與注定》 "Distance and Predestination in 'Troilus and Criseyde', "PMLA,LXXII(March, 1957), 14—26.

308. DONALDSON, E. TALBOT.《朝聖者喬叟》 "Chaucer the Pilgrim, "PMLA, LXIX (September, 1954), 928—936.

309. MAJOR, JOHN M.《朝聖者喬叟的個性》 "The Personality of Chaucer the Pilgrim, "PMLA, LXXV (June, 1960), 160—162.

310. WOOLF, ROSEMARY.《諷刺家喬叟》 "Chaucer as a Satirist in the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, "Critical Quarterly, I(Summer, 1959), 150—157.

311. TINDALL, WILLIAM YORK.《為馬洛辯護》 "Apology for Marlow, " in No. 67.

312. FRANK, JOSEPH.《虛無主義和〈地下室手記〉》 "Nihilism and Notes from Underground, "Sewance Review, LXIX (January—March,1961), 1—33.

313. WALCUTT, CHARLES. CHILD.《伯納德·克萊爾的「評論」》 "Review" of Bernard Clare, Accent (Summer, 1946), p. 267.

314.FREY, LEONARD H.《〈那個黃昏的太陽〉中的反諷與角度》 "Irony and Point of View in " That Evening Sun," Faulkner Studies, II(Autumn. 1953), 33—40.

315. WASIOLEK, EDWARD.《〈我彌留之際〉:目前評論中對於落伍的艾迪的曲解》 "As I Lay Dying: Distortion in the Slow Eddy of Current Opinion, "Critique, III (Spring—Fall, 1959), 15—23.

316. HAELEY, JAMES.《〈好兵〉的道德結構》 "The Moral Structure of 'The Good Soldier', "Modern Fiction Studies,V(Summer, 1959), 121—128.

317. SCHORER, MARK.《創作〈好兵〉的好小說家》 "The Good Novelist in The Good Soldier'," Horizon, XX (August, 1949), 132—138.

318. LABOR, EARLE. 《亨利·格林的愛之網》 "Henry Green's Web of Loving, "Critique, IV (Fall—Winter, 1960—1961), 29—40.

319. CREWS, FREDERICK C.《〈福谷傳奇〉的新的理解》 "A New Reading of The Blithedale Romance, "American Literature, XXIX(May, 1957); 147—170.

320. DAVIDSON, FRANK.《關於〈福谷傳奇〉的重新評價》 "Toward a Re—evaluation of The Blithedale Romance, "New England Quarterly,XXV (September, 1952), 374—383.

321. HEDGES, WILLIAM L.《霍桑的〈福谷〉:敘述者的功能》 "Hawthorne's BlithedaleThe Function of the Narrator, "Nineteenth— Cen—tury Fiction, XIV(March, 1960), 303—316.

322. WAGGONER, HYATT H.《霍桑》Hawthorne. Cambridge, Mass., 1955.

323. BECK, WARREN.《梅康伯太太短暫而幸福的一生》 "The Shorter Happy Life of Mrs. Macomber, "Modern Fiction Studies, I(November, 1955), 28—37.

324. BLACKMUR, R. P.(ed.)《小說的藝術:亨利·詹姆斯批評的序言》The Art of the Novel: Critical Prefaces of Henry James. New York,1934.

325. MATTHIESSEN,F.O.,and MURDOCK, KENNETH B.(eds.).《亨利·詹姆斯的筆記》The Notebooks of Henry James. Oxford, 1947.

326. RICHARDSON, LYON.《亨利·詹姆斯的參考文獻》 "Bibliography of Henry James, " in No. 328.

327. SPILLER, ROBERT, et al.《美國文學史》Literary History of the United States. New York, 1948. III, 584—590.

328. DUPEE, F. W. (ed.).《亨利·詹姆斯的問題》The Question of Henry James. New York, 1945.

329. Hound and Horn, Vol. VII, No. 3 (April—May, 1934),《向亨利·詹姆斯致敬》 "Homage to Henry James."

330. Kenyon Review, V (Autumn, 1943), 《亨利·詹姆斯專著》 "The Henry James Number. "

331. CLAIR, JOHN A.《美國人:重新解釋》 "The American: A Reinterpretation, "PMLA, LXXIV (December, 1959), 613—618.

332. BASKETT, SAM S.《〈阿斯彭遺稿〉中現在的意識》 "The Sense of the Present in The Aspern Papers" ( "Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters," Vol. XLIV, 1959), pp. 381—388.

333. STEIN, WILLIAM BYSSHE.《〈阿斯彭遺稿〉:假面的喜劇》 "The Aspern PapersA Comedy of Masks, "Nineteenth—Century Fiction.XIV (September, 1959), 172—178.

334. MATTHIESSEN, F. O. (ed.).《作家與藝術家的故事》Stories of Writers and Artists, by Henry James. New York, n. d.

335. WILSON, EDMUND.《亨利·詹姆斯的含混》 "The Ambiguity of Henry James, " in No. 328.

336. BEWLEY, MARIUS.《複雜的結局:霍桑、亨利·詹姆斯及其他一些美國作家》The Complex Fate: Hawthorne, Henry James and Some Other American Writers. London, 1952.

337. EDEL, LEON (ed.).《導論》 "Introductory Essay," in The Sacred Fount. New York, 1953.

338.CARGILL, OSCAR.《加布裡埃爾·納什——有幾分不像天使?》 "Gabriel Nash-Somewhat Less than Angel? "Nineteenth—Century Fiction, XIV (December, 1959), 231—239.

339. BURKE, KENNETH.《三種釋義》 "Three Definitions, "Kenyon Review, XIII (Spring, 1951), 173—192.

340. DONOGHUE, DENIS.《喬伊斯和有限的秩序》 "Joyce and the Finite Order, "Sewanee Review, LXVIII (Spring, 1960), 256—273.

341. EMPSON, WILLIAM《尤利西斯的主題》 "The Theme of Ulysses, "Kenyon Review, XVIII (Winter, 1956), 26—52.

342. GOLDBERG.S.L.《古典的傾向:關於詹姆斯·喬伊斯〈尤利西斯〉的研究》The Classical Temper: A Study of James Joyce's Ulysses.London, 1961.

343. ——.《喬伊斯與藝術家的指甲》 "Joyce and the Artist's Fingernails, "A Review of English Literature, II(April,1961), 59—73.

344. KAIN, RICHARD M.《喬伊斯:阿奎那或者達德路斯?》 "Joyce:Aquinas or Dedalus? "Sewanee Review, LXIV (Autumn, 1956),675—683.

345. KENNER, HUGH.《都伯林的喬伊斯》Dubin's Joyce. Bloomington, Ind., 1956.

346. ——.《透視的肖像》 "The Portrait in Perspective, "Kenyon Review, X (Summer,.1948), 361—381.

347.NOON, WILLIAM T., S. J.《喬伊斯和阿奎那》Joyce and Aquinas. New Haven, 1957.

348.REDFORD, GRANT.《喬伊斯〈肖像〉中結構的作用》 "The Role of Structure in Joyce's 'Portrait,' "Modern Fiction Studies, IV(Spring,1958), 21—30.

349. THOMPSON, FRANCIS I.《睡眠中的藝術家的肖像》 "A Portrait of the Artist Asleep, "Western Review,XIV(1950), 245—253.

350.THOMPSON, LAWRANCE《斯泰恩—梅瑞狄斯—喬伊斯作品中的喜劇性》A Comic Principle in Sterne—Meredith—Joyce. Oslo, 1954.

351.CORKE, HILARY.《喪失自信》 "Lack of Confidence, "Encounter, VII (July, 1956), 75—78.

352. BOWEN, MERLIN.《萊德伯恩和幻想的角度》 "Redburn and the Angle of Vision, "Modern Philology, LII (November, 1954), 100—109.

353. SCHIFFMAN, JOSEPH.《麥爾維爾晚期, 反諷:重新檢查〈比利·布德〉的批評》 "Melville's Final Stage, IronyA Reexamination of Billy Budd Criticism, "American Literature, XXII (1950), 128—136.

354. EMPSON, WILLIAM《為大利拉一辯》 "A Defense of Delilah';Sewanee Review, LXVIII (Spring, 1960), 240—255.

355. BREE, GERMAINE.《馬瑟爾·普魯斯特和從時間中解放出來》Marcel Proust and Deliverance from Time. Translated by C. J. RICHARDS and A. D. TRUITT. New York, 1955; London, 1956.

356. SAMUEL, MAURICE.《馬瑟爾的隱匿:普魯斯特的猶太作風》 "The Concealments of MarcelProust's Jewishness, "Commentary(January, 1960), 8—28.

357. BOYCE, BENJAMIN.《論伊恩·瓦特的〈小說的崛起〉》Review of Ian Watt's The Rise of the Novel, Philological Quarterly, XXXVII(July, 1958), 304—306.

358. RABKIN, NORMAN.《克拉麗莎:習俗的研究》 "Clarissa: A Study in the Nature of Convention, "ELH, XXIII (September, 1956), 204—217.

359. SHERBURN, GEORGE.《關於慧駰的謬誤》 "Errors concerning the Houyhnhnms, "Modern Philology, LVI (November, 1958), 92—97.

360. WILLIAMS, KATHLEEN.《喬納森·斯威夫特和妥協的時代》Jonathan Swift and the Age of Compromise. Lawrence, Kan., 1958.

361. GIRAULT, NORTON R.《作為象徵的敘述者的思想:分析〈全體國王的臣民〉》 "The Narrator's Mind as Symbol: An Analysis of All the King's Men, "Accent (Summer, 1947). Reprinted in No. 1.