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A Professor in Retirement退休教授

Jean Stafford (1915—1979)

珍·斯塔福是美國當代名女作家,她的第一部長篇小說Boston Adventure於1944年出版,一舉成名。後來,她又寫了The Mountain Lion,The Catherine Wheel等長篇,以及短篇小說多種。珍·斯塔福是個很精細的作家,描寫不厭其詳,可是筆觸輕靈,同情的態度中還略帶諷刺。美國當代作家,文字風格的差別很大,有極端的粗獷,也有極端的細膩。珍·斯塔福是用精細的手法,來表現她對世界的看法的。

本文原題「A Reasonable Facsimile」,刊於1957年8月3日The New Yorker雜誌。講一個老教授和一個青年人的故事。這裡選錄幾段,讀者雖不能觀全豹,但是她的英文還是可以叫人喜歡的。

Far from withering on the vine from apathy and loneliness after his retirement as chairman of the Philosophy Department at Nevilles College, Dr. Bohrmann had a second blooming, and it was observed amongst his colleagues and his idolatrous students that he would age with gusto and live to be a hundred. He looked on the end of his academic career—an impressive one that had earned him an international reputation in scholarly quarters—as simply the end of one phase of his life, and when he began the new one, he did so with fresh accoutrements, for, as he had been fond of saying to his students, "Change is the only stimulus."

● 第一句相當長,但是內容也豐富。讀者試把第一句裡所講的事情,一一列出,然後再把這些事情,集在一句句子裡面,這句句子讀起來,又要流利漂亮,你就會發現:不要說寫篇好文章是件難事,寫一句好句子也是不容易的。

● 這位Bohrmann博士,是Nevilles College的哲學系主任,現在因年老退休了,但是他的精神老而彌健。這一句分前後兩節,兩節以and聯繫。

● 普通人到了退休的年齡,因為對於世事冷淡(apathy),而且親人凋零,生活孤寂(loneliness;老教授甫喪妻,這點以後就要說到),不免像一顆乾癟的葡萄,在籐上(on the vine)萎謝了,但是這位教授不然。本句用Far from開頭,很見力量。普通人是這樣的,他可不是這樣。Dr. Bohrmann是主語。had a second blooming:第二次開花。第一次開花大約是在青春時期,那時人做事有勁,肯用心學習,老教授退休以後,重新表現青春的活力。blooming當然是和withering對比的。

● observed:觀察;也解作「發表意見」。it代表下面的「that」clause。amongst就是among:在這些人中間,有這樣一個意見。colleagues:同事們。此字重音,在第一音節。idolatrous:崇拜的(此字之根是idol:偶像)。學生們平日把這位教授,敬崇之若神明。在庸手寫來,這件事大約又需要一句句子,但是這裡只用一個字就夠了。

● age是動詞:年齡老下去(aging形容詞:垂老,漸老)。gusto:(做事,做人)津津有味的精神。live to be a hundred:活到一百歲。

● the end of his academic career:學術(教授)生涯的結束。looked on連後面的as:他把退休這件事只看作是生活一個階段(one phase)的結束。career後面,有一個說明。兩條橫線的作用,等於括弧。an impressive one=an impressive career。impressive:給人深刻印象的,不平凡的。他教了幾十年書,替他在學術圈子裡掙來了國際上的聲譽。him是indirect object;但是這種indirect object和普通indirect object不同。普通的間接賓語,可以說是省掉了介詞to,這一種(語法書上稱為dative of interest)間接賓語可以說是省掉了介詞for,例如:

He has built me a house.(他替我造了一所房子。)

It will last the owner a lifetime.(用這件東西的人,用它一輩子也用不壞。)

● the new one=the new phase。

● he did so=he began the new one,先用了一個「when」clause,再把從句裡的話,在主句重複一遍,這個辦法可以使文字流利。

● accoutrements(此字通常用複數形式):配備。新的「配備」是些什麼東西,下文有說明。

● Change is the only stimulus:變化是唯一的刺激。這句話他是常常喜歡對學生們說的。他退休以後為怕精神頹唐,力求改變生活方式與生活環境(新的「配備」),以「改變」作為刺激自己的方法。

He took up the study of Japanese; he took up engraving and lettering (designed a new bookplate, designed a gravestone for his dead wife); he began to grow Persian melons under glass; he took up mycology, and mycophagy as well, sending his fidgety housekeeper off into shrill protests as he flirted with death by eating mushrooms gathered in cow pastures and on golf links. He abandoned chess for bridge, and two evenings a week played a cutthroat game with Miss Blossom Duveen, the bursar's blond secretary, as his partner and as his opponents Mr. Street, the logician, and Mr. Street's hopelessly scatterbrained wife.

● took up the study of Japanese:開始研究日文。

● engraving:鐫刻(一種藝術)。lettering:刻美術字。

● bookplate:藏書憑單。西洋藏書家,喜歡印一種憑單,粘貼在書的內封裡。單上有圖案畫,並有「EX LIBRIS so-and-so」(某某之藏書)等字樣。這位教授既然學了鐫刻之術,便替自己設計(designed)了一種新的藏書憑單。gravestone:墓碑。他的太太已故,此處順便提一筆。

● grow(此處為及物動詞):培育。under glass:在花房(greenhouse)裡種波斯瓜。

● mycology:研究蕈菇這類東西的學問。這種學問,研究研究倒也無所謂,可是他吃起野蕈來了。mycophagy:普通字典中可能不載此字。此字源自希臘,myco原義是「蕈」,phagy原義是「吃」,兩者連起來,就成「吃蕈」。

● sending…off into protests:使(某人)提抗議。(send one crazy是英文成語:使某人發瘋。)他那管家婆,原來就容易激動(fidgety),看見他從放牛場(pastures)和高爾夫球場(golf links)上找野蕈來吃,覺得這是在跟生命開玩笑(flirted with death:和死神調情),不由得尖聲地大叫:使不得。

● bridge:橋牌。原來下象棋的,現在改為橋牌。cutthroat(形容詞):競爭激烈的,誰也不肯饒誰的。(American College Dictionary引有cutthroat competition這樣一個成語)。

● bursar:(大學的)出納主任。blond:金髮的。這位秘書小姐是教授打橋牌的partner。Mr. Street和Miss Blossom Duveen一樣,都是with的賓語。可是as his partner放在Duveen的後面,as his opponents(對手方)放在Mr. Street的前面,這樣句法就不呆板。

● logician:邏輯學家(邏輯教授)。hopelessly scatterbrained:心神不集中到不可救藥的程度。這兩個字一用,他們每星期兩次牌局的情形,也稍為提到一點了。

But the radical thing about his new life was the house he had built for himself in the spring semester of his last year at the college. It was a house of tomorrow—cantilevered, half glass—six miles out on the prairies that confronted the mountain range in whose foothills lay Adams, the town where the college was. The house, though small and narrow, was long, and it looked like a ship, for there was a deck that went all the way around it; from certain points Dr. Bohrmann could see Pikes Peak, a hundred and fifty miles away, and from every point he could watch the multiform weather: there dark rain, here blinding sunshine, yonder a sulphurous dust storm, haze on the summit of one peak, a pillow of cloud concealing a second, hyaline light on the glacier of a third. The house amazed that nondescript, stick-in-the-mud Western town, which from the day it was founded, had been putting up the worst eyesores it could think of. Whoever on earth would have dreamed that the professor, absent-minded and old, riding a bicycle, wearing oldfangled gaiters and an Old World cape, would make such an angular nest for himself and drastically paint it bright pink? The incongruity between the man and his habitat could not possibly have been greater.

● 上面這許多改變,還不算特別。根本(radical)改變的是他造了一所新房子。

● a house of tomorrow:設計非常新穎的房子。cantilevered:這是建築學上的名詞。cantilever是「懸臂梁」,牆上橫伸出來的梁,一頭懸空。和兩頭有靠的正梁(beam)不同。他這座房子,可能是只用懸臂梁,不用正梁的。half glass:一半是玻璃。這兩點都是新式建築的特點。

● prairies:大草原。他的房子造在大草原上,離鎮六英里。mountain range:山脈。foothills:山脈下面的丘陵。他們的大學所在地,名Adams鎮,鎮倚山而建。

● deck:甲板。that went all the way around it:房子的樣子像船,周圍有甲板,人可以在上面散步。went有「伸張」之意;around it=around the house。

● Pikes Peak:Rocky Mountains(後面要講到)的高峰之一。在「甲板」上散步,從某幾處遠望,可見高峰矗立。可是無論從那一點望出去,四時晝夜天氣之變幻,盡收眼底(multiform:形狀有多種的)。那邊黑沉沉的在下雨;這邊太陽亮得叫人睜不開眼睛,再遠一點(yonder)是塵土飛揚,黃而且熱,同硫磺相仿(sulphurous);某一個山峰頂上是暖暖霧氣;巨雲一朵(pillow是枕頭,好譬喻)把另一個山頭遮掩住了;再有一個山峰上是冰河一片,發出玻璃樣的光(hyaline light)。

● 鎮上的人(town)看了這座奇怪的房子大為驚奇。原來他們那個處在美國西部的鎮,落後而不隨時代前進,好像是插在泥裡一樣(stick-in-the-mud),外表也是非驢非馬的難看(nondescript)。eyesores:看了使人眼睛不舒服的東西。鎮上的人能夠想到有多難看的房子,就造(putting up)多難看的。

● 這樣一個教授,怎麼會造這樣一座奇形怪狀的房子(angular nest),而且更過激地把它漆成明亮的粉紅色呢?(drastically:激烈地。)

● 這一句裡面還把教授的服飾,順便描寫了一下。他是騎腳踏車的,腿上紮了老式的裹腿(oldfangled gaiters),身上披了一種舊式披風(cape)。Old World原指舊世界(東半球),這種披風該是歐洲人的服飾,美國人很少穿的。披風裹腿都是騎腳踏車時候的裝束。

● habitat:住地。這樣一個老派的老人,住這樣一座新派的房子,其不調和(incongruity)已達極點(不可能有更不調和的東西了)。

Imagine this character, with his silver beard, wearing a mussed green tweed suit, those gaiters, a stiff-collared shirt, a Tyrolian hat, sitting in a black sling chair on the front deck of this gleaming, youthful house, drinking ginger beer out of an earthenware mug and looking through binoculars at eagles and the weather. Or look at him pottering in his pretty Oriental garden, shading himself with the kind of giant black bumbershoot one associates with hotel doormen in a pouring rain. No matter where you placed him in that house, he simply would not match. It was the joke of Adams, but a good-natured one, for Dr. Bohrmann was the pet of the town.

● this character:這個人,這個「角色」。character:行為乖僻的人。(He is a character:他是個怪人。)

● mussed(美國俗話):皺而髒的;邋遢的。tweed:毛糙的花呢。suit:西裝。those gaiters:上面所說的裹腿。stiff-collared:硬領。Tyrolian:大約是指奧地利Tyrol地方的。這種帽子,以及種種打扮,都是舊式的。

● sling chair:可折疊的椅子。gleaming, youthful:這兩個字形容這座粉紅色的新派房子,很貼切。

● ginger beer:一種飲料,香港人稱作「姜啤」。earthenware mug:陶器大杯。binoculars:雙目望遠鏡。eagles:此字點明了遠處的高山和遼闊的空間。

● pottering:吊而郎當地工作。Oriental garden:中國式或日本式的花園佈置,在美國是時髦玩意。

● bumbershoot:一種大帽子,可張開收攏如傘。教授在花園裡作雜工,就戴這樣一頂帽子,以避陽光(shading himself)。此字後面省了一個關係代名詞。這種帽子通常是旅館的看門人在大雨傾盆(pouring rain)時候戴的,我們(one)看見這種帽子,就會把它同那種看門人聯在一起。associates:聯想。

● placed:不論你把他「放」在這座房子的什麼地方,他總是不相稱的。「你」是指讀者,前面兩句用命令式,也是請讀者「想像」,請你來看。

● joke:鎮上的人把這座房子引為笑談。可是笑話裡面並不含有挖苦的成分(good-natured),因為鎮上的人都喜歡這位教授。pet:被人愛撫的動物(或人)。

Dr. Bohrmann and his wife, who died two years before his retirement, had arrived in Colorado from Freiburg by way of Montreal, where, just as he was beginning to make his presence felt at the university, he was halted in his stride by a sudden, astounding hemorrhage of the lungs. When, after seventeen wan, lengthy months, he was discharged from the sanitorium, not as cured but as arrested, his careful doctors counseled him to go West, to the Rocky Mountains, under whose blue, bright skies he could, in time, rout the last bacterium. On their further recommendation, he applied for an appointment at Nevilles College, since Adams was famous for the particular salubrity of its air. And providence was pleased to accommodate him, having a few months earlier created a vacancy on the staff through the death—from tuberculosis—of a young instructor.

● 第一句所包含的內容又很豐富。教授太太是在他退休之前兩年故世的;他們倆本來是從德國的Freiburg地方來到美洲,卜居在美國的Colorado州。在來美國之前,曾在加拿大的Montreal教過一陣書。by way of:經過(Montreal來到Colorado)。在Montreal的大學教書剛剛露點頭角(to make his presence felt:使自己的「存在」被人家覺得;使人家知道有他這樣一個青年教師),他忽然咯血。hemorrhage of the lungs:肺出血。his stride:他的大踏步往前邁進(教育界的地位蒸蒸日上),忽然被咯血所阻止。sudden, astounding:突如其來的,嚇人的。

● 這許多事情,要寫在一句之內,不是一件容易的事情。讀者如要揣摩何謂「用英文思想」(to think in English),對於這種句子應該細心模仿。作者風格的特點還是她的鬆散自然,從容不迫。她並不因為句子內容豐富而顯得手忙腳亂,無法應付。所以如此者,恐怕是因為她多用loose construction的緣故。講起教授的太太,作者就隨隨便便地插一個定浯從句(non-restrictive clause),說明她已經死了。句子到Montreal本來可以完了,作者又加了個定語從句(where…),說明他的如日方升的事業,忽受扼於肺疾。中國學生作文時如能把定語從句任意活用,於文字通暢之道,已思過半矣。

● 教授咯血後,在療養院(sanitorium)裡住了十七個月(過了十七個慘淡[wan]漫長的月),此後他出院了(discharged:釋放),病沒有醫好,只是算已經停止惡化(arrested:已被遏止);他的醫生(careful:怕他舊病復發)勸他到西部去,到落磯山去。說到這裡,作者為維持一貫的loose construction的作用,又用了一個定語從句。落磯山區,天空明亮作純藍色。他住在那裡,隔了相當時候,可以把體內最後一個結核桿菌(bacterium)消滅(rout:擊潰)。本句下半句連用好幾個comma:計West後有一個,Mountains後有一個,blue後有一個,could後有一個,time後有一個。這許多逗點使句子的進行緩慢,吞吞吐吐,有言盡而意不盡之妙。若求句子爽利,當然不是用這個寫法的了。

● 遷居不難,但是生活也得維持。醫生們有更進一步的建議,他根據(on)這個建議,向Nevilles College申請謀職(appointment=office assigned:指派的職位),因為該校所在地Adams鎮空氣清新,有益健康(salubrity的形容詞形式是salubrious),向來有名的。

● providence:上帝。代替God的字有好幾個,如說上帝可以為人安排一切,這種場合我們可以用providence。上帝很高興把他好好安插(accommodate him),原來該校在幾個月以前,有個年輕教員害結核病故世:上帝在該校的教職員群(staff)中製造了一個空缺(having…created a vacancy)。

Adams was high above sea level and its prospect of soaring palisades and pinnacles of rock was magnificent, if, at first, dismaying to European eyes that had been accustomed to grandeur on a smaller scale. Moreover, the faculty of its college was remarkable—was, in part, illustrious—because so many of its members had come here for Dr. Bohrmann's reason; if their distemper had been of a different nature, they would have lectured in much grander but moister groves—in New Haven or Princeton, in Oxford or Bonn. For the most part, they accepted their predicament with grace—it is no myth that the tubercular is by and large a sanguine fellow—and lived urbanely in rented houses, year by year meaning it less and less when they stated their resolve that as soon as their health was completely restored they would go back to the East or to their foreign fatherlands.

● Adams海拔甚高,懸崖壁立,奇峰插雲,氣勢壯闊。prospect:廣闊的風景。soaring:高入雲表的。palisades(此字在此場合常用複數):懸崖絕壁,排成一排的。pinnacle:尖峰。

● 這種奇景,即使(if)歐洲人初來,看來要目眩神移(dismay),但是總可以說是壯觀(magnificent)。歐洲人的眼睛也認識偉大,但是他們所見慣的偉大,格局要比美國的小(grandeur on a smaller scale)。這句話其實就是說:歐洲人慣見的「山」,氣勢格局不如美國的,但是這裡不說accustomed to mountains,而說accustomed to grandeur。中文用具體名詞的地方英文常常可用抽像名詞。這裡的grandeur範圍當然不限於「山」,歐洲的偉大的東西,格局上大多不如美國的。if後面省了it (=the prospect) was二字。

● faculty:大學教員(集體名詞)。上一段有一個staff,此字通常意義是「某一個機關的職員的總稱」,範圍較廣。faculty是「學科」,後轉作「某學科或某大學的教員的總稱」。教員乃是member of the faculty。

● Nevilles College地雖偏僻,它的「教授陣容」卻相當可觀(remarkable),有一部分還是赫赫有名的(illustrious)人物。

● for Dr. Bohrmann's reason:Dr. Bohrmann到這裡來,是一半教書,一半養病,教授中有很多位也是抱了養病的目的來的。所以該校容易招得到好教員。

● distemper:病。假如那輩教授害的不是肺結核(假如他們的病換了一種性質),按他們在學術界的聲望,應該在有名的大學任教,不會到這個小地方來的。New Haven:在美國的Connecticut州,耶魯(Yale)大學所在地。Princeton:在美國的New Jersey州,為普林斯頓大學所在地。Bonn:通常譯作「波恩」,曾是西德首都,該地也有著名的波恩大學。

● groves:古希臘雅典城附近有一片園林(grove),名Academe,為柏拉圖講學之地。現在英文裡的Academy解作「學校」或「研究院」;稍「雅」的說法有the groves of Academe,解作「學校」(或「學園」、「學府」),連帶地,groves這個字都代表「學校」了。耶魯等等大學,規模是較大,可是那些地方空氣較潮濕(moister),不宜肺癆病人療養。

● predicament:倒霉的命運(生肺病)。這輩教授,大部分不怨天不尤人地(with grace)承受了自己的命運。(grace:瀟灑樂觀的態度。)

● by and large=in every way,in all respects。有人說,結核病人(the tubercular)是十足的樂天知命的人(a sanguine fellow),這句話並不是瞎說(no myth)。

● 他們承受了自己的命運,租了房子住(住在租來的房子裡),過一種高雅的生活(urbanely,意思是說:雖然那地方是偏僻的,他們還可以講究派頭)。

● 他們常常向人表示決心(stated their resolve):一俟病軀全部康復,他們就要回到東部去(美國東部開發較早,文化程度較高),或者回到他們在外國的老家去。可是一年一年過去(year by year),他們的病可能養好了,但是他們也愛上這塊地方,不想遷移。因此嘴上雖說要走,心裡要走的意思越來越少了。mean it:真心地說這句話。(例:I meant it. 我不是開玩笑。)meaning it less and less:心裡的意思同「嘴上的話」(it)距離越來越遠。

Although their New York Times came four days late, and although perhaps they were not in the thick of things, neither did their minds abide in Shangri-La. Visiting lecturers and vacationing friends were bound to admit that the insular community was remarkably au courant and that within it there was an exchange of ideas as brilliant and constant as the Colorado sun.

New York Times:《紐約時報》;知識分子愛讀的報。因為地方偏僻,該報要遲來四天。not in the thick of things:置身世事之外。thick(名詞):濃密的部分。abide:居留。

● Shangri-La:英國小說家James Hilton所著小說The Lost Horizon中所描寫的「世外桃源」。

● Visiting lecturers:從別處來講學的人。vacationing friends:度假期的朋友。were bound to:不得不。

● insular community:與世隔絕的小社會。(insular:孤島似的)。au courant(法文):適應潮流;跟得上時代,並不落後。

● within it:在這個小社會之中,大家不斷交換意見(所以說:那輩教授的心並不是在世外桃源裡)。Colorado州的太陽,光華燦爛,四季永照(constant);那輩教授在思想上的互相砥礪,也是四季不斷,而且所討論的內容也是非常精彩的。輕輕的一筆,就把那地方的天氣,和那地方的學術空氣連在一起,文勢俯仰自如,令人佩服。

At first, when the Bohrmanns came, in 1912, they had no intention of lingering any longer than was absolutely necessary. But after little more than a year, neither of them could imagine living anywhere else; the immaculate air was deliciously inebriating and the sun, in those superlative heavens, fed them with the vibrancy of youth. They daily rejoiced in their physical existence, breathed deeply, and slept like children. They admired the turbulent colors of the sunsets, the profound snows of winter, the plangent thunderstorms of summer. There was, they said, some sort of spell upon the place that bound them to it; roving the tablelands, whence one could gaze for miles on miles upon the works of God, they paused in silence, their hands upon their quickened, infatuated hearts. And besides the land, they loved the people of it, both the autochthonous Town and the dislocated Gown; students thronged their house at the gemiitlich coffee hour, and their coevals and their elders came at night to drink wine or beer and, endlessly, in witty, learned periods, to talk.

● intention:意圖。lingering:逗留。the Bohrmanns:他們一家人;這裡僅指夫婦二人,他們沒有孩子。他們此來,原為先生養病。病養了幾年,也會好的,好了就可搬走。他們初來之時,無意在此地逗留:養病絕對必需多少年,他們在此的居住期限,本不想超過養病所需要的日子。

● imagine:想像。這裡住了一年多,他們就不能想像在別的地方怎麼能再住下去了。

● immaculate:清淨,不帶絲毫塵垢。inebriating:有陶醉的力量。前面的一個副詞用得也很妙:deliciously inebriating(空氣醉人,又叫人舒服)。

● the sun:這個字連動詞fed。本文作者善用comma,前面已經說過。這裡第一句就用了三個逗點。the sun後面,又插了一個「說明短語」「in those superlative heavens」,目的無非要使句子內容豐富,句子進行緩慢。superlative:最高級的,特別好的。heaven作「天空」解,常用複數形式。

● fed them with:以……供養他們的心靈,使他們的心靈充滿了……。vibrancy of youth:青春的顫動(?)。fed與vibrancy二字,都是作者「煉字」的結果。fed一字還不怎麼難用,vibrancy一字則很見功夫。此字如易以vigor或vitality,似亦可通;但是這種字意思雖是「活力」,還是顯得呆笨;唯有vibrancy最能表示「生命力之活躍」。這種「活躍」也不是激烈的活躍,只是輕輕的、自強不息的那種朝氣。這個字,配以本句前半的deliciously inebriating,最能表示高爽地區中的空氣和陽光對人身心的良好作用。

● physical existence:物質的生命。並不是指吃得好,穿得好,或是周圍風景好。只是覺得做人有意思。人有了這個身體,就覺得快樂,身體不復是累贅,而是直接可以給人快樂的工具。人的快樂有好幾種:有理智的快樂,有靈魂的快樂——他們的快樂只是「身體的快樂」。

● turbulent這個字來形容夕陽的色彩,也是精煉所致。此字原義是「大動亂的」,試思日落之時,艷紅火黃,金紫滿目,好像是倒翻了染料缸。得此一字,情境如在目前。

● profound:深,而且附有「神秘」的聯想。snows:積雪。plangent:驚心動魄的響。

● spell:魔力。that bound them to it:把他們「拴」在這個地方,所以他們不想搬動了。

● roving:漫步。此字在此處用作及物動詞。tablelands:高原。從高原上望出去,重嶺疊翠,嵯峨崔嵬,綿延數英里乃至數十英里,凡此皆上帝之傑作也;他們不得不停步瞻望,肅然無語,他們的手按在心上,那時候的心是著了迷了(infatuated),心跳也加速了。quickened, infatuated兩個形容詞放在這個地方,文字經濟。若叫庸手寫來,為了這兩個字,就得另外造一個句子。

● 他們不但愛這塊地方,也愛這地方的人。town and gown原為英文成語,作者拿它來活用,分前後兩節來說。這個成語原來指牛津、劍橋等「大學城」的居民,town是不屬於大學的普通老百姓,gown(身穿學士服的)指大學的教員和學生。

● autochthonous:土生的(學生和教員可能是從別地方來的)。此字的ch讀若/k/,重音在第二音節/tOk/。

● dislocated:脫離了原來地方的。此字重音在第一音節。

● thronged:群集。gemutlich(德文):歡愉的(教授原為德籍)。

● their coevals:和他們年齡相仿的人。年輕教授和資深教授晚上到他們家裡喝酒,不斷地談。

● in witty, learned periods:此一短語,按正常次序,應放在talk之後。但是作者在用了endlessly之後,故意讓讀者等候,隔了這四個字,才把to talk說出來。periods:句子,完整的句子。他們談話中的句子,句句完整,有思想內容(learned),話又說得俏皮(witty)。這種談話當然不會使人厭倦。

Sometimes Dr. Bohrmann and Hedda spoke of summering in Europe—in spite of their contentment, they were often grievously homesick for Freiburg—and occasionally they went so far as to book passage, but something always prevented them from going. One year, Wolfgang was engaged in writing a monograph on Maimonides for the Hibbert Journal, another year Hedda was bedridden for a long while after a miscarriage that doomed them, to their everlasting sorrow, to childlessness. After the Second World War, they no longer even spoke of going back, for the thought of how Freiburg now must look sickened them.

● 教授的名字叫做Wolfgang,太太的名字叫做Hedda,前面沒有說明,現在在本段出現,讀者也不難瞭解。summering:(在某某地方)過夏天。(winter也可以用作動詞:過冬。)

● contentment:滿足。美國山區生活雖好,他們也常常想念德國的老家。grievously:很厲害地。

● book(動詞):訂座(戲院等)。book passage:定船票(或飛機票、火車票)。went so far as:他們想家,常常說要回到歐洲去度暑假,他們不僅是說說而已,甚至於「做到訂票準備動身的地步」,就差沒有走。

● engaged:專心,忙於。monograph:(專門性的)論文。Maimonides(1135—1204):十二世紀哲學家,西班牙的猶太教法師。Hibbert Journal:雜誌名。

● bedridden:纏綿床笫,臥病。miscarriage:流產。that doomed them to childlessness:太太從此不能生育;此事判定他們這一輩子沒有孩子的了。to their everlasting sorrow:使他們悲傷不已。to常用以表示「產生某種情感」,如to my surprise, to my astonishment等。

● 他們沒有孩子,他們很悲傷——這是他們生命中的大事,可是作者把這件事放在一個從句裡。本段所說的是,為什麼他們這些年來從來沒有回德國去一次,這是主要的意思,別的意思都只好成為附庸了。又,本文處處輕描淡寫,表現一種閒情逸致;按照這種風格,這種語調(tone),本文是不容許有強烈情感出現的。但是強烈的情感有時非寫不可,作者就極力把它壓低,使它在文章中占不重要的地位。使情感受到風格的支配,做文章若能懂得這一點,大約也就算寫「通」了。that doomed them…這個定語從句含蓄的意思真不少,而它在語法結構上的地位又這樣不重要,我在前面本文中說:「中國學生作文時如能把定語從句任意活用,於文字通暢之道,已思過半矣」,這裡謹重複一遍。

● 第二次大戰以後,德國瘡痍滿目,他們更不想回去了。這事也可以引起他們強烈的情感,但是作者又把它壓低。how Freiburg now must look:他們故鄉的現狀(看來要成怎麼樣一個慘狀;how是中立性的字,不言「慘」而「慘」已在意中。must:表示猜測,想上去「一定」很慘)the thought of:想起這件事(就使他們心裡難受:sickened them)。

All in all, they had an uncommonly happy life and they so much enjoyed each other that when Hedda died, with no warning at all, of heart disease, Wolfgang's friends were afraid that he, too, might die, of grief. And, indeed, he asked for a semester's leave and spent the whole of it indoors, seldom answering his doorbell and never answering his telephone. But, at the end of that time, he merged as companionable and as exuberant as ever, as much at home with life.

● All in all:總而言之。enjoyed each other:夫妻二人相親相愛(二人在一起,日子過得很有趣)。因此(so…that)一個死了,另外一個恐怕也活不長了。

● died of heart disease:患心臟病而死。with no warning at all:事前一無徵兆。

● he might die之後跟一逗點,表示句子到die本可以結束:「朋友怕他也會死掉的」,但是作者要補充說明:因什麼而死呢?憂傷而死。

● asked for leave:請了(一學期的)假。the whole of it=the whole of the semester。

● answering the doorbell:有人按門鈴,主人出去開門(他難得去開的)。他杜門謝客,心中確乎悲傷到極點。

● emerged:從隱居的生活中忽然「冒」出來。companionable:善與人交。exuberant:精力飽滿。as…as ever:跟平常(太太死前)一樣。as much at home with life的後面也該有as ever 二字,這裡是省掉了。at home:並無落寞或陌生之感。at home with life:並不自視為遁世的人,正常地過日子。