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The Duck鴨

J. B. Priestley (1894—1984)

本文作者普裡斯特萊生於英國約克郡之Bradford,第一次大戰時從軍,曾作戰受傷,歐戰結束後就讀劍橋大學。從軍時即常有作品發表,在劍橋時寫作更勤,畢業以後即以寫作為生。作品極多,最著名者為長篇小說The Good Companions(1929),Angel Pavement(1930)。Festival at Farbridge(1951)亦頗獲讚譽。

普裡斯特萊文章明快健朗,小說中充滿人情溫暖與生命活力,實為繼承英國Fielding,Dickens等「陽剛」作風的一大作家。本文選自《普裡斯特萊自選集》(The Priestley Companion,1951年英國企鵝叢書版),原為作者於第二次大戰時的一篇廣播文稿。全文極短(此處全引原文,未加節刪),然頗含深意;普氏於第二次大戰時,曾應英國廣播公司之邀,擔任長期廣播,所談雖大多身邊瑣事,然因其取材精當,含意深遠,據說對於鼓勵英人抗敵士氣,貢獻頗大。本文尤宜朗誦。

It was rather late the other night, and we were coming home to Highgate Village by way of High Street, Hampstead, and the Spaniards Road, which run, you might say, on the roof of London. We had to pass the Whitestone Pond. Now I like the Whitestone Pond. On fine afternoons, boys sail their toy boats on it, and when there\'s a wind blowing across the Heath the toy boats have to battle with enormous waves—about three inches high. At night, this pond is like a little hand-mirror that the vast, sprawling, yawning London still holds negligently; and you see the stars glimmering in it. Well, the other night was one of those mysterious nights we\'ve had lately when there seems to be a pale light coming from nowhere, and the sky has a pure washed look. The dim lights of a few cars could be seen in the dusk round the pond, and some people, late as it was, were standing and staring.

● the other day:最近某一天。the other night:最近某天的晚上。日落以後,即可算是night;那天是黃昏以後,時候已經很晚(rather late)。

● we沒有指明是什麼人,應該是作者自己和另外一些人。Highgate Village:倫敦附近的一個村子。Hampstead:倫敦西北郊區的一個鎮,屬倫敦市。High Street即大街之意。英國小市鎮主要的街道都以此名,美國普通稱為Main Street,此處是Hampstead鎮的大街。the Spaniards Road:公路之名。我們是走(by way of)某某街和某某路回家的。倫敦西北區地勢較高,那條街和公路好像是(you might say)在倫敦屋頂上走過。(注意:run是複數形式,表示which代表street和road兩樣東西。)

● pond:水池。toy boats:玩具小船。Heath:荒原;倫敦西北的荒原即名Hampstead Heath。enormous:巨大的;池狹船小,浪高三英吋已經可以算是巨大的了。

● hand-mirror:有柄可握的小鏡子。把水池比作鏡子,詩文中已屢見不鮮,本文作者的幻想,更進一步,把倫敦比作一個龐然(vast)巨人,伸臂舒腿地躺在那裡(sprawling),打著呵欠(yawning:「夜倫敦」是不是該打呵欠呢?),疏疏懶懶地(negligently),手裡還握著這面鏡子:鏡子裡面隱約可見點點繁星。glimmering:發朦朧微光。

● Well為轉換語氣之詞,正式文章中避用,本文原系供廣播之用,當可盡量模仿家常閒談口吻。第三句的Now意義相仿。

● 平常日子池畔景色,已經約略描寫,接著就描寫那天晚上:那是我們最近(lately)所常有的一個神秘的晚上,四周似乎有一層不知是哪裡來的淡淡的光輝,天空是潔淨得好像有一種洗滌過了的神氣。「長空如洗」這樣的說法在中文裡已經用得濫俗了,放在英文裡還是很新鮮的。

● dim:昏暗的。lights:車頭燈。(池邊有公路通過,通行汽車。)dusk:黃昏時之薄暗。late as it was:天雖然很晚了,還有人站在池邊凝目而視。

We stopped, and heard a solicitous quacking and a great deal of faint squeaking. Then we saw on the pond, like a tiny feathered flotilla, a duck accompanied by her minute ducklings, just squeaking specks of yellow fluff. We joined the fascinated spectators; we forgot the war, the imminence of invasion, the doubts about the French Fleet, the melancholy antics of the Bordeaux Government.

● solicitous:表示關切的(父母對於子女的關切)。quacking:鴨鳴聲。squeaking:啾啾聲。faint:微弱的。

● flotilla:小型船隻之隊伍。tiny:極小的。母鴨與小小雛鴨,列陣浮於水面,猶如小小船隊,唯船身均披有羽毛(feathered)耳。minute義同tiny,唯tiny較通俗,近於白話;minute較正式,近於文言。

● ducklings後有一同位語說明之:雛鴨形體尚未長成,從岸上望去,只是啾啾會叫的點點粒粒(specks)黃色絨毛(fluff)而已。

● fascinated spectators:入了迷的看客;看得出神的人。

● the war:時為1940年6月,法國西線崩潰,法國政府遷至西南部的波爾多(Bordeaux)後再遷至維希(Vichy),希特勒陳兵英倫海峽,侵英(invasion)之舉,迫在眉睫(imminence),法國艦隊(the French Fleet)誰屬,與戰局影響極大,英人疑慮(doubts)自深;而波爾多政府倡議求和,行動頗多乖謬,殊為昔日盟友所心痛,故作者稱之為「令人傷心的反常行為」(melancholy antics)。時局嚴重若此,而作者看見池中群鴨之後,竟然將國家大事渾然忘卻。

Our eyes and ears, and our imagination were caught and held by those triumphant little parcels of life. This duck hadn\'t hatched her brood here; she\'d hatched them in some hidden corner—nobody knows where—and had then conveyed them—and nobody knows how—to swim happily in the dusk on the summit of the city. She hadn\'t asked anybody\'s advice or permission; she hadn\'t told herself it was too late or too difficult; nobody had told her to \"go to it\" and that \"it all depended on her.\" She had gone to it, a triumphant little servant of that life, mysterious, fruitful, beautiful, which expresses itself as a man writes a poem—now in vast galaxies of flaming suns, now in a tiny brood of ducklings squeaking in the dusk.

● imagination:想像力,比耳目更進一步,不限於當前的所見所聞。caught:一把抓住。held:抓住不放。那時我們的全副注意力都為群鴨所攝,非但目不轉瞬,耳不他聞,而且心中雜念頓息,如有所思,亦無非受此「奇觀」之啟發而已。

● parcel此處不解作「包裹」,而解作「部分」(此字與part同源)。life:宇宙全體之生命。任何生物都只是「一條生命」,只可以算是「大生命」裡的一部分。鴨子雖小,亦足表示天地間的生機流行,我們看見了群鴨嬉水得意(triumphant)之狀,似乎看見了宇宙生物的神秘,無怪看得目定神往,把國事都忘了。(其實作者所忘的只是暫時戰局的進退,他對於宇宙人生的信念,由於那天晚上的經驗當更形增強。這樣一個人將成為一個更堅定、更有決心的鬥士。)hatched:孵化(用過去完成式,表示時間在前)。brood:一次所孵出之雛鴨(或其他鳥類)。conveyed:搬運。母鴨在哪裡孵的蛋,沒有人知道;孵出以後,如何把小鴨帶到這裡來游水,也沒人知道。summit:最高點;那地方居於倫敦最高處。advice:勸告。permission:准許。她把小鴨帶到這裡來,既未向人求教,亦未得人准許,只是憑了生物的本能,把小鴨孵了出來,再帶它們來教它們游水(池邊可能並無養鴨人家,此鴨恐是野鴨)。

● it was too late之it恐是代表孵小鴨等等的事情。母鴨決不自餒,不怕時間太晚,或者是困難太多,她要做的事情還是要做好。

● 她並不自餒,可是也沒有人給她鼓勵慫恿,沒有人對她說:「你去做吧」(go to it)或是「事情全靠著你呢」。

● 她所以這樣做,因為她是受宇宙間生命力的支配;她是那個大生命(that life)屬下的一個興高采烈的小僕人。triumphant表示任務完成以後的得意。

● that life後跟著三個形容詞:神秘、美麗、孕育豐富(fruitful)。那個大生命隨時表現自己,就同詩人之寫詩以表現自己一樣,表現的方式大小不一,有時如星河(galaxies)橫空,一顆星就是一顆太陽似的火球(flaming:火焰熾盛的);有時則如今夕所見的池中啾啾雛鴨也。